Transcendental Meditation

Scientific Research:

Improved Health and More Positive Health Habits

Improved Health and More Positive Health Habits

In 2 companies that introduced the Transcendental Meditation programme, managers and employees who regularly practised Transcendental Meditation improved significantly in overall physical health, mental well-being, and vitality when compared to control subjects with similar jobs in the same companies. Transcendental Meditation practitioners also reported significant reductions in health problems such as headaches and backaches, improved quality of sleep, and a significant reduction in the use of hard liquor and cigarettes, compared to personnel in control groups.

A prospective study of the effects of the Transcendental Meditation programme in two business settings, Anxiety, Stress and Coping: International Journal 6: 245 262, 1993.


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A local association offering Transcendental Meditation, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, under the auspices of Educational Charity No. 270157.